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篇名 不同職業屬性之代謝症候群分析
卷期 28:3
並列篇名 Analysis of Metabolic Syndrome in People with Different Occupational Characteristics
作者 李季秦楊燦蕭偉成
頁次 219-230
關鍵字 勞工代謝症候群工作型態Labormetabolic syndromework styleTSCI
出刊日期 202107


目的:代謝症候群自1998年由世界衛生組織提出後,至今多數國家的成人代謝症候群盛行率達20-30%。本研究目的為透過勞工健康檢查資料,瞭解不同職業屬性與代謝症候群之相關性。方法:本研究採用橫斷研究設計(Cross-sectional study design)。研究收集2018年1月至12月高雄某區域醫院的勞工體檢資料,利用勞工體檢資料所登錄的基本資料、職業相關欄位資料及體檢項目、血液檢驗報告數值作為分析資料。職業屬性包括職業別、輪班制、工作型態,視為影響代謝症候群可能的因子,以SPSS 22.0版進行統計分析。結果:本研究分析5,228筆勞工體檢資料,發現其中有906名勞工罹患代謝症候群,占17.3%,男女人數比率為700人(22.9%)及206人(9.5%)。經邏輯斯迴歸分析發現;在不同的迴歸模式中:從事第五類職業類別比第一類職業類別勞工有較高的代謝症候群罹患風險(OR=1.66、1.48)。有輪班勞工罹患代謝症候群風險高於無輪班勞工(OR=1.18)。工作型態為動態(非久坐)勞工罹患代謝症候群風險高於靜態(久坐)勞工(OR=1.28)。結論:第五類型職業別、動態工作型態及輪班勞工與代謝症候群有顯著差異。


Purpose: Since the metabolic syndrome was proposed by the World Health Organization in 1998, the prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome in adults in most countries has reached 20-30%. The purpose of this study is to understand the correlation between different occupational attributes and metabolic syndrome through labor health examination data. Methods: This study uses a cross-sectional study design. The study collects labors’ medical examination data from a regional hospital in Kaohsiung from January to December 2018, using the basic data registered in the labors’ physical examination data, occupation-related field data, physical examination details, and blood test report values as analytical data. Occupation attributes include occupation, shift system, and work style, which are considered as possible factors affecting metabolic syndrome, and SPSS 22.0 version is used for statistical analysis. Results: This study analyzed 5,228 labors’ physical examination data and found that 906 labors suffered from metabolic syndrome, accounting for 17.3%, and the ratio of male to female was 700 (22.9%) and 206 (9.5%). It is found by logistic regression analysis; in different regression models: labors engaged in the fifth occupational category have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome than those in the first occupational category (OR=1.66, 1.48). Labors on shifts are at higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome than those without shift (OR=1.18). The risk of metabolic syndrome is higher for dynamic (non-sedentary) workers than for static (sedentary) workers (OR=1.28). Conclusions: There are significant differences between the fifth occupational category, dynamic work style, labor on shift, and metabolic syndrome.
