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篇名 理財教育、金融核心素養及學習成效間關聯之研究-以我是大股東桌遊為例
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Association among Financial Education, Financial Core Literacy and Learning Effectiveness - Cases of I Am a Major Shareholder Boardgame
作者 歐陽豪游翰霖王藝芳
頁次 141-155
關鍵字 理財教育金融核心素養學習成效Financial EducationFinancial AttitudeFinancial Core LiteracyLearning Effectiveness
出刊日期 202109
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202109_10(2).0012




This research explores the establishment of the 108-syllabus Business Management Group "Finance and Securities Investment Practice" course, as well as the establishment of various schools’ diversified selection of financial courses. At this stage, teachers and students of all schools use the "I am a major shareholder" board game to in-depth to verify the impact of financial education and financial core literacy on the learning effectiveness of college, high school vocational students, high school vocational teachers and members of the public. The questionnaire issuance and return period is from March 12, 110 to March 30, 110. A total of 800 questionnaires were sent out and a total of 710 valid questionnaires were returned. The empirical results found that through the teaching of “I am a major shareholder” board game, financial education has a significant positive impact on financial core literacy and learning effectiveness, and financial core literacy has a significant positive impact on learning effectiveness; in terms of mediating effects, financial education has had a significant positive impact on learning effectiveness through financial core literacy. And with a partial mediating effect, the intensity of the mediating effect is 89.71%.

