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篇名 臺灣大專院校資訊相關系所課程內容與資訊人才職能需求情形之評估
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 An Evaluation of Taiwan’s College Course Requirements in Information-Related Programs and the Competencies required by the Market
作者 謝佩璇游佳萍邱厚儕
頁次 170-184
關鍵字 資訊管理資訊工程人力需求評估高等教育重點產業Information ManagementInformation EngineeringWork Force Needs AssessmentHigher EducationKey Industry
出刊日期 202109
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202109_10(2).0014




The purpose of this study is to investigate the supply-and-demand status of information and communication technology professionals in certain industries and learning institutions in Taiwan. The study adopts secondary data analysis methods to summarize Taiwan’s Industrial Development Bureau’s “Needs Assessment Survey of Professional Labors in Key Industries” collected in recent years. We also reviewed the academic program guides in the United States (IS2010 and CE2016), especially the body of knowledge and their corresponding course areas, which are referenced by Taiwan’s information management and information engineering programs, respectively. After a three-stage filtering procedure, eight public and private colleges were selected as a representative analysis sample for talent development, and the course offering status of these colleges was examined. The analysis results show that information management programs offer plenty of courses in two areas, whereas information engineering programs have an abundance of courses in three areas. Areas that have sufficient course offerings can cover more job types and can be viewed as putting school learning into practice. However, the key industries will involve more course areas in the future. It is thus a worthy effort to discuss the status of course offerings in the selected colleges.

