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篇名 共享機車租用因素之研究
卷期 10特刊2
並列篇名 Research on the Factors of Renting Shared Scooter
作者 張潔宜林怡先徐郁倫盧俊吉
頁次 105-113
關鍵字 環境效益產品屬性便利性知覺價值租賃意願environmental benefitsproduct attributesconvenienceperceived valuewillingness to rent
出刊日期 202108
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202108/SP_02_10.0010




Under the trend of energy conservation and environmental protection, all countries are actively investing in the development of green transportation. Taiwan is the world’s main producer of locomotives. The use density of locomotives is the highest in the world. The excessive number of locomotives causes air pollution. Environmental pollution. The government implements charging stations and price subsidies for electric vehicles to attract consumers to rent or buy electric vehicles. This study focuses on university students as the main interviewees and analyzes the factors of renting shared scooter, hoping to provide suggestions to relevant government agencies and government agencies. Reference basis for electric locomotive industry. The purpose of this research is: 1. To understand whether there are differences in the number of times and the rental amount of electric motor vehicles for different genders and household incomes. 2. Understand whether there are differences between different genders, household income, number of times of locomotive rental, rental amount and rental factors. 3. Understand whether different ages, family income, number of times of locomotive rental, rental amount and rental factors are related. This research method adopts a questionnaire survey. The rental factors are divided into environmental benefits, product attributes, convenience, perceived value, and willingness to rent. It is expected to interview 201 interviewees. The statistical method uses narrative statistics, difference analysis, and correlation analysis. The research results show significant differences between gender and environmental benefits and convenience factors. There is a positive correlation between environmental benefits, product attributes, convenience, perceived value and willingness to rent.

