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篇名 生存處境的重構:殷海光旅遊敘事的文化批判
卷期 48:9=568
並列篇名 Reconstruction of Survival Situation: Cultural Criticism of Yin Hai-guang’s Travel Narration
作者 林淑慧
頁次 115-129
關鍵字 旅遊敘事空間隱喻生命重構再現文化批判殷海光Travel NarrativeSpatial MetaphorLife ReconstructionRepresentationCultural CriticismYin Hai-GuangA&HCI
出刊日期 202109




Traveling faraway implies an indispensable distance for philosophical criticism. Travelers are in a unique time and space, which inspires them to review the past at that specific moment, revises their outlook on life, and makes them choose the direction of future life. The travel narrative written by Yin Hai-guang as a visiting scholar in 1955 not only has the meaning of life reconstruction, but also implies cultural criticism under Taiwan’s martial law system. From the travel narrative of Yin Hai-guang published in “Free China”, “Motherland Weekly” and “Miscellaneous Memory and Essay”, “Correspondence between Yin Hai-guang and Xia Jun-lu”, we find the metaphor and symbol of space and the reconstruction of life in self-narrative. Not only did he insinuate Tokyo’s political power intervention in mass media but also presented the shore of Lake Washington in Seattle, USA as the metaphor of longing for free space and the symbol of the living situation. Because it recalls the travel process and the interaction with people, caring for the hardships of numerous others, it also has extrapolation with ethical dimensions. Reading Yin Hai-guang’s travel narrative, readers participate in the formation of self-narrative, and deeply feel the survival situation of the special era.
