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篇名 何謂「害馬者」?——《莊子》「黃帝將見大隗」寓言解詁
卷期 48:9=568
並列篇名 Who is the Horse Killer:An Interpretation of the Fable “Emperor Huang will see Da Wei” in ZhuangZi
作者 蔡林波
頁次 181-196
關鍵字 《莊子.徐無鬼》黃帝將見大隗害馬者黜刑名尚無為三言“XuWuGui” in ZhuangZiEmperor Huang will see Da WeiThe Horse KillerDepose the Politics of Torture and Advocate Natural InactionThree-yan Writing Technique of ZhuangziA&HCI
出刊日期 202109




The implied theme of the fable of “Emperor Huang will see Da Wei” in Zhuangzi is to depose the politics of torture and advocate natural inaction. This text is mainly composed of well-designed metaphorical discourses and plots: The first part is “Fable”, which uses “Emperor Huang” and “Seven Holy and the Vehicles” to metaphorize the politics of torture; the second part is “Tautology”, which reflects the different between Dao and Things through the dialogue between “Emperor Huang” and “the Boy”; the third part is “Randomness”, which shows the truth and significance of “Dao” and “Nature and inaction” by the words that “remove the horses killer” of “the Boy” and the behavior that “Emperor Huang” “left” after kowtowing his Celestial Master. Therefore, the fable is one of the typical examples of “the Trinity of Fable, Randomness and Tautology” paradigm of Zhuangzi.
