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篇名 明清奧古斯丁末世論之東傳
卷期 48:10=569
並列篇名 Augustine’s Individual Eschatology in Ming and Qing
作者 周偉馳
頁次 059-074
關鍵字 奧古斯丁四終(終事論)高一志柏應理安文思白多瑪Augustine“Four Ends” Alfonso VagnonePhilippe CoupletGabriel de MagalhãesThomas OrtizA&HCI
出刊日期 202110




Augustine’s individual eschatology was introduced to China in Ming and Qing dynasties, and it was circulated in the form of quotations and maxims in the eschatological works (“Four Ends”), theological translations and exegetical works. The author first introduces Augustine’s eschatology, then examines the quotations of Augustine’s eschatology by the Jesuit missionaries such as Alfonso Vagnone (1568-1640) and Emmanuel Diaz (1574-1659), and their influence on other Jesuits such as Philippe Couplet (1623-1693) and Zhang Xingyao. Then what is studied is how Augustine’s eschatological thoughts in Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae was translated into Chinese by Gabriel de Magalhães (1609-1677), and how Augustine’s eschatology was represented in the book Four Ends of a Spanish Augustinian missionary Thomas Ortiz (1668-1742).
