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篇名 倫理的交融及對話:效益主義、義務論與勒布朗偵探小說中國化過程
卷期 48:10=569
並列篇名 Ethical Integration and Dialogue: Utilitarianism, Deontology and the Sinicization of Leblanc’s Detective Ficition
作者 楊一
頁次 171-184
關鍵字 莫里斯.勒布朗孫了紅倫理學效益主義義務論Maurice LeblancSun LiaohongEthicsUtilitarianismDeontologyA&HCI
出刊日期 202110




The Adventures of Arsène Lupin were created by the French writer Maurice Leblanc at the beginning of 20th century. It started as the favourite and almost a household name. In 1914, Arsène Lupin’s stories were introduced to Chinese by a group of translators. The gentleman thief between the just and the evil also won local reader’s support and affection. Later, representing by translator, writer Sun Liaohong, it developed a series of pastiches whose ethics with Chinese characteristics. The stratification of this literary phenomenon highlights how utilitarianism plays a key role in the emergence of a new literary style, how the readers' ethical expectations and cross-cultural identity of ethical spirit can help literary communication. And in the historical context of the change of social ethical mechanism and the constant influx of foreign factors, how Chinese writers in the Republic of China used literature as a means to reaffirm deontology to reconstruct ethical order and achieve the purpose of ethical education and moral criticism. This paper studies the change of values in modern China through literature, which can provide some reference and supplement for the cross-cultural study of ethical dimension.
