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篇名 何瑭的「當務之學」
卷期 48:10=569
並列篇名 “The Theory of Urgency” Advocated by He-Tang
作者 米進忠
頁次 185-198
關鍵字 何瑭當務之學明德新民陰陽He-TangThe Theory of UrgencyIllustrate The VirtueRenovate The PeopleYin-yangA&HCI
出刊日期 202110




He-Tang was an eminent scholar in the middle of the Ming dynasty. The Theory of Urgency advocated by He-Tang married what-you-have-learned with what-you-can-do-with-it, which manifested his unlimited respect for Practical Reason. He appropriately recognized Instrumental Reason though he gave Value Reason priority. In his philosophical proposition of “to-illustrate-the virtue-is-the-noumenon and to-renovate-the-people-is-the-function”, he investigated the operation of the human reason, and demonstrated his theoretical intention of transform the “should be” and “the would be” into “the being”. He also emphasized the guidance function of the unrational will power over Reason. His another philosophical proposition that “Yin and Yang embrace each other, and the body and the spirit depends on each other” provided the ultimate metaphysical evidence for the cognitive ability of human being. By doing so he not only drew a clear line between itself and “the nothingness and emptiness” of the Buddhism and the Tao, but also avoid the Qi Essential Theory’s inability of explaining the spiritual factors.
