
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 金融消費者保護法中公平合理原則之法律實證研究
卷期 32:4
並列篇名 A Legal Empirical Study of the Fairness and Reasonable Principles of Financial Consumer Protection Law
作者 陳俊元朱勗華廖晨旭賴彥傑
頁次 081-146
關鍵字 金融消費者保護法金融消費評議公平合理原則實證研究衡平法可歸責事由Financial Consumer Protection Lawfairness and rationality principleempirical researchequity lawattributable causeTSSCI
出刊日期 202104




This study aims to explore the applications of fairness and rationality principle in Taiwan with empirical methods, to induce the tendency and to compare with standards of other countries, and then finally to provide recommendations for Taiwan. For comparative law analysis, this paper analyzes the laws of United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. It is found that they have developed standards for the application of fairness and rationality principle, and such rules can be considered by Taiwan. For empirical finding insurance ombudsman case analyses, we can find fairness and rationality principle is most usually applied in life insurance case, but the intermediary has the highest percentage. For the result of application, most of them are partial payments for applicant as well as breaking the current laws. Generally, the application of fairness and rationality principle is declining and the there is a tendency toward not breaking current laws. For regression analyses, they demonstrate that insurer is more likely asked to pay when the case is involving claim dispute, property claim, insurer who is attributable, and decisions made by the first and second sessions of Ombudsman. This implies the session of Ombudsman is an important factor, which may be contributed by learning-effect and a tendency to narrow down this principle in recent years. Moreover, other significant factors are approximately equivalent to other jurisdictions’ standard. This implies that even without clear regulation, Taiwan already has substantial rules which are worthy of legislation. In conclusion, this study recommends to enactment relevant regulations for application of fairness and rationality principle, and to clarify conditions, scopes, standards and other details. Instead of restricting this principle, the suggested approach may not only improve parties’ foreseeability, but also keep room for this principle’s important functions.
