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篇名 硫化氫中毒綜論
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 Overview of Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity
作者 鄧欣妮阮祺文
頁次 367-374
關鍵字 硫化氫中毒解毒劑環境毒素Hydrogen sulfidepoisoningantidoteenvironmental toxinTSCI
出刊日期 202110




Hydrogen sulfide is colorless and odorless which exists in natural environments such as natural gas, volcanic gas, hot springs, crude oil. People can usually smell the lowest concentration in the range of 0.0005 to 0.3 portion per million. Exposure to high concentrations, such as 500 ppm, may cause acute pulmonary edema, knockdown effects and even death. Hydrogen sulfide gas can cause a variety of health effects. Clinical manifestations of toxicity include visual changes, olfactory fatigue, nausea, headache, respiratory distress or coma. This article describes the mechanism, clinical manifestations and current treatment strategies of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Hydrogen sulfide is relatively common, often fatal and has a unique occupational exposure risk. According to statistics, the proportion of fatal inhalation gas exposure in the workplace is secondary to carbon monoxide poisoning. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning is usually sporadic and unpredictable. Clinical information only from case reports and lack of exposure assessment data. Most accidentally death are often accompanied with the emergency rescue of partners in acute poisoning events and resulting in irreversible results. If there is personal respiratory protective equipment for emergency use with or nearby, the incidence of poisoning may reduced.
