
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 應用神經網路建構師培校院選才模型之研究
卷期 44:3
並列篇名 The Research on Constructing Teacher Education Selection Model by Applying Neural Network
作者 王如哲林欣怡蔡明學張敦程呂昀潔
頁次 035-068
關鍵字 師資培育校務研究跨平臺資料整合類神經網路teacher educationinstitutional researchmulti-platform integrationneural networkTSSCI
出刊日期 202109
DOI 10.3966/102498852021094403002




This research focuses on multi-platform integration, which connects the data of student status in junior high school from the Ministry of Education and student’s learning profile from a university of education in central Taiwan. Neural network is used to analyze the teacher education selection, students’ performance in high school and its projection of students’ performance in university. The results show that students’ performance in high school can be used to predict their performance in university effectively. Moreover, by testing models, it is noticed that in the projection of teacher program students’ performance, some subjects are more important than exam subjects. At last, this research offers the dominant factors of projecting teacher program students’ performance for universities to take into consideration when selecting future teacher program students.
