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篇名 新竹縣玉峰地區崩塌擾動對木本植物組成之影響
卷期 35:3
並列篇名 Effects of Landslide Disturbance on Woody Species Composition in Yufeng, Hsinchu County
作者 殷楷智鄭舒婷
頁次 187-202
關鍵字 崩塌自然擾動樹種組成帕松迴歸廣泛分布樹種LandslideNatural disturbanceWoody species compositionPoisson regressionUbiquitous woody species
出刊日期 202109
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.202109_35(3).0004




In the upstream areas of Taiwan, the fragile geological structure along with periodic typhoons and earthquakes often lead to high occurrence risks of landslides. The tree composition at landslide areas also changes with the natural disturbance process. However, landslide areas are mostly located in mountainous areas that are not easy to assess, and the investigation of woody species composition at landslide areas is quite time consuming and difficult. This makes it relatively rare the comprehensive inventory of woody plants in landslide areas. Therefore, we selected six landslide sites in Yufeng, Hsinchu County and investigated their woody species composition by high magnification digital camera every month in 2019 to build up the woody species database. Then based on the information of historical landslide area from 2004 to 2016, we explored the time effects of landslide disturbance on the tree species composition at present. Field investigation results showed that there were 72 woody plant species, of which 14 species (i.e., Pistacia chinensis, Rhus chinensis var. roxburghiana, Rhus succedanea, Ulmus parvifolia, Zelkova serrata, Dodonaea viscosa, Koelreuteria henryi, Boehmeria densiflora, Mallotus japonicus, Morus australis, Quercus glauca, Hibiscus taiwanensis, Pinus taiwanensis, and Glochidion rubrum) were observed at more than 5 sites, that may be inferred as locally ubiquitous species. Employed by Poisson regression analysis, we found that each single landslide can influence species composition at present for at least 10 years. Nonetheless, aside from landslide disturbance, local species composition is also affected by other natural and anthropogenic factors. In order to partition the impact of different disturbances on woody species composition, we suggest to establish long-term ecological monitoring programs in various regions, and develop science-based knowledge for coping with the changing climate and environment in the future.
