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篇名 觀察四國科技教育作法探討臺灣將STEM做為科技教育教學策略之研究——以美國、新加坡、芬蘭及德國為參照
卷期 90
並列篇名 Observe The Practice of Technology Education in The Four Countries and Explore Taiwan’s Use of STEM as a Teaching Strategy for Technology Education - Refer to the United States, Singapore, Finland, and Germany
作者 陳春色
頁次 039-076
關鍵字 科技教育跨領域教學STEMSTEAMtechnology educationinterdisciplinary teaching
出刊日期 202105
DOI 10.53106/160957582021050090002




In the 108 syllabus, the technology field integrates the application of “science,” “technology,” “engineering” and “mathematics” into the syllabus manual for this field, and adds Interdisciplinary practice elective credits. STEM refers to the interdisciplinary teaching of subjects such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, which uses problem-solving teaching plan design to achieve the improvement of technological literacy. Explore the specific practices of four countries to promote STEM (including similar projects) through literature discussion and action observation. It was found that the concepts of Finnish LUMA and German MINT are similar to STEM. The pre-university credits in the United States are to increase the willingness of high school students to study in the science and engineering department of the university. The LUMA in Finland is to cultivate the ability to solve life problems. The German MINT is to enhance the technological knowledge and knowledge and Artisan spirit, Singapore uses programming to train thinking, mathematical and logical skills. Research on the five dimensions of Taiwan’s science and technology education facing policy support (support, s), teaching implementation (teaching, t), teaching effectiveness (effective, e), teaching materials (materials, m), and route dispute (argue, a) explore. This research puts forward recommendations: active policy promotion, emphasis on teacher training, evaluation of teaching plans and responses, K-12 curriculum development, corporate resource participation, technology and craft classroom settings, clarification of disputes in the teaching site, and the possibility of putting STEM thematic implementations into “Comprehensive learning performance” is used as a participatory project for admission to the university science and engineering department.
