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篇名 晚清美部會福州府教會學校系統的建立與美國教育的借入
卷期 90
並列篇名 The Formation of Mission School System of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions at Foochow Prefecture and Borrowing of American Education in Late Ch’ing
作者 林湘庭
頁次 131-167
關鍵字 美部會美國教育晚清教會學校福州American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions American educationlate Ch’ingMissions schoolsFoochow
出刊日期 202105
DOI 10.53106/160957582021050090004




This aim of the article is to explore the types and contents of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) Foochow Mission schools during 1848-1911 and illustrate how American education became an influential factor in the Westernization of Chinese education in late Ch’ing dynasty. It is found that the Foochow Mission established its first mission station at Ponasang, Foochow in 1848, and the first boy’s day school, the first modern school established by an American mission in Fujian, was set in the following year. After that, the first boarding school for boys was established in 1853, and the first one for girls in 1854. Since then, the number of schools has increased and the scope has expanded. In 1895, the Foochow Training Boarding School for Helpers was changed into Banyan City Scientific Institution, which was upgraded to Foochow College in 1898. With the emergence of higher education institution, the three-level missionary school system including day schools, boarding schools and college was formed in Foochow, with a large number of students and a great influence. When the Ch’ing government enacted the western school system act in 1904, Foochow College even became a model for Fujian province government.
