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篇名 建立獻身生活會必須由聖座批准成立——《天主教法典》579條之修訂
卷期 48:12=571
並列篇名 From the “Code of Canon Law”, The Institutes of Consecrated Life Must Be Approved by the Holy See
作者 金毓瑋
頁次 017-036
關鍵字 《天主教法典》聖座聖召教區獻身生活會修會Canon LawHoly SeeVocationDioceseInstitutes of Consecrated LifeReligious InstitutesA&HCI
出刊日期 202112




According to the system of the Catholic Church, after being baptized, one become God’s people and believers in Christ. Some of these Christians have responded to God’s call in a special way. They do not marry nor are they given in marriage and they serve God and the Church in consecrated life. These people become consecrated persons, which includes the clergy, nuns and lay believers. The Catholic Church is very supportive of consecrated persons, and encourages the establishment of such groups based on a unique charism. There are certain legal powers for the establishment of such groups. According to Article 57921 of the Code of Canon Law, this authority belongs to the bishop of diocese. After careful consideration, the bishop of the diocese only needs to consult the Holy See to erect institutes of consecrated life by formal decree in his own territory. However, Pope Francis issued an “Apostolic Decree” on November 1, 2020 on All Saints’ Day, changing the above authority and revoking the original “authorization authority”, that is, Diocesan bishops must have the approval of the Holy See for the establishment of any new institute of consecrated life to be legally established. As for why the Pope wants such a change, why it needs to be elevated to the highest level, how to interpret and explain it from the perspective of the Code of Canon Law will be the subject of this article; and it is also the main point of the “Apostolic Decree”.
