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篇名 高中自然科學探究與實作課程之設計與實踐
卷期 72:4
並列篇名 The Design and Implementation of Natural Science Inquiry and Practice Curriculum for Senior High Schools in 12-year Basic Education
作者 陳美蓮
頁次 093-106
關鍵字 十二年國教自然科學探究與實作12-year basic educationNatural SciencesInquiry and Practice
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6249/SE.202112_72(4).0031




This study explored the design and implementation of the inquiry and practice curriculum in the field of natural science in senior high schools of the 12-year National Basic Education. Through analyzing the principles of teachers' design of the inquiry and practice curriculum in the area of natural science, and exploring the current implementation of the inquiry and practice curriculum in the area of natural science in senior high schools, including preparation of teaching materials, teaching models, teaching strategies and assessment methods, it is hoped that this will provide senior high school teachers with a clearer direction in designing and teaching the inquiry and practice curriculum in line with the philosophy and objectives of the new curriculum. This study offered some suggestions: 1) teachers may need more observations of cross-school and cross-subject practices to enhance their practical teaching experience; 2) teachers may need to seek advice from experts and academics and participate in enrichment studies to develop school-based curriculum design and practices; 3) teachers may need to develop specific assessment criteria and sample questions to follow and refer to; 4) the curriculum content should be flexible, the equipment and materials should be as easy to obtain as possible, and the venues should be arranged in available facilities on campus as possible.
