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篇名 從文本進入哲思:通識課堂的復古與創新
卷期 16
並列篇名 Understanding Philosophical Thinking from Text: Convention and Innovation in General Education Courses
作者 林慧如
頁次 155-165
關鍵字 文本近讀獨立思考通識教育textclose readingindependent thinkinggeneral education
出刊日期 202112




Independent thinking is a major core competency required of college students. However, most students claim that they lack experiences in learning skills for independent thinking. Specifically, learning activities before college does not foster independent thinking skills in students. To facilitate learning efficiency, students tend to focus on the memorisation and problem-solving aspects of learning materials, which constitutes a learning habit that completely deters thinking. Reading classic literature is fundamental to conventional humanities studies. In this research, the task of "summarizing classic texts" was designed in the thinking field course "Introduction to Philosophy", and then the PISA reading framework was used to evaluate students' learning outcomes. The result found that although most students can complete the aspect " accessing and retrieving ", they have difficulty in " integrating and interpreting " and " reflecting and evaluating ". This shows that students are really unfamiliar with the reading method of mastering the context of the text. This study explained how the conventional method of close reading of text re-engages students in thinking. This study reveal that text close reading is irreplaceable, despite the prevalence of flipped education in current teaching models.
