
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Applications of an Improved PSO in Integer Linear Programming
卷期 32:6
作者 Ying Wang
頁次 098-106
關鍵字 improved PSOinteger programmingpenalty functionstochastic solutionEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.53106/199115992021123206008



In order to address the problems with production planning for Model Q cars and Model X new energy cars of an automotive group, a mathematical model is proposed, which is intended for a constrained integer linear programming problem. An AI algorithm, i.e. PSO, is introduced to solve this problem, while such methods as penalty function are used to solve the constraint conditions and integer programming problem. Furthermore, in order to overcome the challenge that the standard PSO is very likely to meet a local extremum, an improved PSO is proposed, which, as shown in terms of search computing results, is more accurate and efficient than the standard PSO, thus aptly solving the integer linear programming problem.

