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篇名 番神唐化──馬來西亞拿督公信仰
卷期 30
並列篇名 Sinicization of Foreign God - The Study of Datuk Kong Belief in Malaysia
作者 陳愛梅杜忠全
頁次 601-634
關鍵字 拿督公唐化番神Datuk KongSinicizationforeign god
出刊日期 202109




In the 19th century, majority Chinese moved to Nanyang were labours. They brought the traditional Chinese society land deity concept to the new land. On the stranger land, the existing land deity concept met to Malay society “Keramat” belief, the amalgamation of these two beliefs brough the emergence of unique Datuk Kong Belief. By carry out the investigation to the Datuk Kong temples in Malaysia, the paper attempts to compile the historical materials and legends. The paper classified the Datuk Kong based on the “sinicization” and discuss their functions.
