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篇名 布希亞〈藝術的共謀〉的思考脈絡及其問題
卷期 109=17:2
並列篇名 The Conspiracy of Art: The Context and Problems of Thinking
作者 邱廷浩
頁次 137-154
關鍵字 布希亞藝術的共謀當代藝術符號理論Jean BaudrillardThe Conspiracy of Artcontemporary arttheory of signsTHCI
出刊日期 202112




The purpose of this article is to reveal the context of thoughts and underlying problems within the work of Jean Baudrillard’s The Conspiracy of Art. Six parts in the main body of this article will be discussed. Within the six parts, key concepts such as transsexual and transaesthetics, the transformation from modern art to contemporary art and its following examples will be discussed in the second section to the fourth section. The remaining part utilizes the essay, “Baudrillard and The Conspiracy of Art (nullity and nudity of idols)”, written by Jean-Paul Curnier to compare with the writer’s point of view. Furthermore, we can generate deeper and thorough thinking process about Baudrillard’s critical context through Curnier’s essay. This article discovers that Baudrillard looked into the contemporary art through the lenses of sociology perspective; in addition, he puts himself in modern art’s position and examined the development of contemporary art. All these works lead him into criticizing and be mindful of how contemporary art are becoming deceptive and orienting towards the phenomenon of collusion.
