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篇名 對沖的「政治」:信訪制度如何吸納民眾參與
卷期 51:2
並列篇名 A Hedging Politics: How Does Xinfang System Absorb Political Participation
作者 劉正強
頁次 001-040
關鍵字 信訪制度政治參與民粹主義社會風險Xinfang systemPolitical participationPopulismSocial risk
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.30402/EAS.202012_51(2).0001




Due to the emphasis of elitism in case of political control, the current China political system can not fully absorb the political expression of different classes. For fear of political instability, the exercising of political rights such as assembly, procession and demonstration is being strictly controlled in China. As a grass-roots system closest to the weak, Xinfang system have become a special voice device and expression channel for the bottom from which the public desire such as asking for help, complaining and protesting could be expressed. In fact, this is a variant and twisted expression of political participation for even the excessive or deviant behaviors. They who are not tolerated by the authorities could also find a way by petition. While releasing social emotions and restraining political conflicts, Xinfang system may face the interference of populism and other ideological trends espically the protested and risky actions could endanger the safe operation of the society. Guiding and expanding the political participation through Xinfang so as to enable it undertake the political rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, especially holding an attitude of patience and restraint towards the social discontent, will effectively resist political risks, prevent social protests from turning into social riots, and thus construct a benign political interaction between the government and its people.
