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篇名 堂會議事錄的隱與顯:以Z堂會於日據時代的簿冊與懲戒記錄為例
卷期 2021-2
並列篇名 The Hidden and the Obvious Details within the Minutes, Booklets and Records of a Church During the Era of Japanese Occupation
作者 陳子仁
頁次 003-056
關鍵字 日據時代議事錄堂會簿冊the Japanese OccupationMinutesBooklets and Records of the Churchesthe Yǐns the Xiǎns
出刊日期 202112




The difficulties for historians to get the proper access to the minutes of the churches are far beyond imagined. Whenever the scholars get the chance to do so, it surely be a delightful and pleasant experience. Among complicated yet diversified documentary transcription process, some carefully collected and recorded materials certainly provide us ways and opportunities for recognizing and glimpsing the whole picture through these fragile and elapsing fragments. By enduring and persistent transcription, updating and preservation of multiple information, these minutes and booklets are beneficial to the pastoral ministries, developments, and evaluating back and forth the spiritual growth of church members. The present article attempts to survey those disciplinary accounts of minutes in the period of Japanese Occupation, and through the Yǐns (the hidden ones) and the Xiǎns (the obvious ones), by the approaching and the staying away of faith, from the crisis managing and the healing of the wounded hearts, and the most importantly, between the confusion of the wrong doers themselves and their unfailing and persisting concerns for the faith of their descendants, hopefully we might find the clues, attract the gaze, and interpret the significances once more.
