
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 王安石《周禮新義》的字學理據與訓詁新見
卷期 42
並列篇名 The new concept about the theory of etymology and explanation in the book Chou-li hsin-i by Wang,An-shih
作者 黃慧芬
頁次 111-140
關鍵字 王安石《周禮新義》《說文解字》會意解經訓詁新義Wang an-shihChou-lihsin-iShou-wenchieh-tzuthrough the method of Hui-i“meaning of ideas”to describe the meaning of the classicthe new theory of explanationTHCI
出刊日期 202111




The “ Chou-li hsin i ” by Wang an- shih was the government text book for the civil service examination system in the Northern Sung dynasty , it was not only the theoretical source at the political changing in Shi-ning period , but also supplied the new explanation for the research at Chou-li . According to many results of the long researching history about the literature , philosophy and the study of the classic , we owned many common concepts for Wang . The essay try to describe Wang’s gains and losses for the topics of etymology through Chou-li hsin-i and Wang’s literary works . We also discover the connection between Chou-li hsin-i and the copy of Shou-wen chieh-tzu in Northern Sung dynasty that influenced the Wang’s basic decisions for the etymology in his earlier research . Besides , we find that the way to express the words in Chou-li hsin-i was not just taking a hint through combining of two pictographs , but developed slowly as a special self-system to comprehend the meaning in Wang’s deep mind . It is the benefit to review and supply a new visual angle for the connection between the research of the classics and the traditional etymology.
