
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 南洋女學的印跡:近現代畫報與雜誌中南洋知識女性圖像的意涵
卷期 37
並列篇名 The Imprints of Women's Education in Nanyang: Graphics of Nanyang Female Intellectuals in Early Modern Chinese Pictorials and Magazines and its Significance
作者 張惠思
頁次 137-154
關鍵字 南洋女學知識女性劉韻琴女學生女運動員Women's Education in NanyangFemale IntellectualsLiu YunqinFemale StudentSportswomenTHCI
出刊日期 202106




Prior to the formation of the Federation of Malaya, the Chinese community which has settled in Nanyang sees education as a very important issue. Hence in 1908, the girls’ schools were established. There are images and accounts which depict the condition of women's education in Nanyang, either in the local news report or cultural narrative. Occasionally, there are also some photos of Nanyang female intellectuals published in Shanghai’s pictorials and magazines. This paper examines the graphics of Nanyang female in pictorials and magazines, and tries to highlight their educational environment and life in schools. These visual materials mostly feature female principals, teachers and students, which exhibit the lively character of female intellectuals. Besides that, the print media also drew attention to the heroic appearance of sportswomen, emphasized the women’s ability to integrate themselves well in the modern education system and responded with a consciousness on physical health and self-transcendence. Furthermore, group photos of their participation in gymnastics, sports competition and drama performance were also published on the pictorials and magazines. The increase of female participants in large-scale group activities as presented in this paper shows the expansion of the female public sphere in that era.
