
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 《春秋》微言在《新列國志》中的移轉表現淺說
卷期 37
並列篇名 A Study On Thinking Transfer In Chun Que and Xin Lie Guo Zhi
作者 陳韻
頁次 155-192
關鍵字 《春秋》《新列國志》儒家思維通俗文學移轉Chun QueXin Lie Guo ZhiConfucian thinkingPopular literaturetransferTHCI
出刊日期 202106




The Ming Dynasty was an era of alternating tradition and modernity. Popular literature was becoming more and more popular, and Feng Meng-long's Xin Lie Guo Zhi is one of the representatives. This thesis will take Xin Lie Guo Zhi and Confucian classics Chun Que as examples to discuss the acceptance of Confucian thinking in popular literature at that time. The content includes: analysis and comparison of the characteristics of the times, social influence, writing characteristics, and humanistic care of Chun Que and Xin Lie Guo Zhi in angles of historical events, academic development, and literary performance.
