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篇名 柏拉圖的人造物理型:亞里斯多德《形上學》兩處析辨
卷期 49:3=574
並列篇名 The Platonic Form of Artifacts: Two Passages in Aristotle’s Metaphysics
作者 葛天勤
頁次 179-194
關鍵字 柏拉圖亞里斯多德人造物理型PlatoAristotleArtifactsFormsA&HCI
出刊日期 202203




This paper discusses Plato’s treatment of the Form of artifacts and Aristotle’s relevant testimonies in the Metaphysics. Plato seems to posit Forms of artifacts in his dialogues, but Aristotle reports that Plato denies them at Metaphysics 991b6-7 and 1070a18-19. This paper argues that there is no inconsistency between Plato’s proposal and Aristotle’s testimonies. Plato posits Forms of artifacts in his middle dialogues, but there is no solid evidence as to whether Plato still accepts them in his late dialogues. Furthermore, the students of Plato in the Old Academy deny the existence of Forms of artifacts, especially Xenocrates, who attempted to systematize the doctrine of Plato. Therefore, at Metaphysics 991b6-7 Aristotle thinks that it is the members of the Academy and the systematized Academy that do not accept the Form of Artifacts. On the other hand, there exist variant readings at Metaphysics 1070a18-19, I defend that we can resolve this prima facie inconsistency, no matter which reading we adopt. What Aristotle emphasizes here is that the doctrine of the Old Academy should be treated as a kind of “school doctrine” of the whole Old Academy.
