
Architecture Science

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篇名 參與式設計中建築師的資訊尋求
卷期 23
並列篇名 Architect Information Seeking in Participatory Design: A Grounded Theory Approach
作者 楊舜云吳可久
頁次 001-021
關鍵字 資訊尋求使用參與紮根理論建築規劃/計畫書Information SeekingUser ParticipationGrounded TheoryProgramming/ Briefing
出刊日期 202106
DOI 10.53106/221915772021060023001




Architects selectively cognize design information in the design program. The “user participation design” context, and how clients and architects perceive the role of design program lead to different programming documentations and communication of different meanings. This investigation applied Grounded Theory to explore Taiwan architects, and librarians/clients communicating design under different concerns, intentions, information acquisition, and interactive programming behaviors related to library building projects. Librarians incline to normative approach to the design program, and architects adopt procedural design operations, while both professionals pursue design control, and the design program functions as a design requirements advertisement. Thus, information accessibility and message diagnosis could be major factors for architects’ cognition of information in the design program.
