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篇名 從「觀光」的民俗節慶到「保護」的民俗文化資產:論雞籠中元祭的文資化歷程及保存維護展望
卷期 42
並列篇名 From Folk Festivals for “Tourism” to the “Protection” of National Important Folk Cultural Properties: A Discourse on the Preservation Process and Future Maintenance of Cultural Resources for the Keelung Ghost Festival
作者 林承緯
頁次 075-101
關鍵字 文化資產重要民俗基隆節慶觀光與文化保存雞籠中元祭The Keelung Ghost FestivalCultural ResourcesNational Important Folk Cultural AssetsFestival tourism and cultural preservationKeelung
出刊日期 202201
DOI 10.53106/101562402022010042003




Keelung Ghost Festival is Taiwan’s first designated National Important Folk Cultural Properties Asset. Every July in the lunar calendar, the people of Keelung Port busily prepare ritual offerings to celebrate this major festival. The event originates in armed conflicts that resulted in many casualties between immigrants from Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, two port cities in China’s Fujian Province, who fought over land, commerce and even religious disputes. After mediation by local elders, the conflict eased and the dead were buried together, receiving joint ritual offerings. Clans with different last names would take turns organizing rituals, with offerings for wandering spirits. The measure was designed to break the previous tradition of people joining opposing sides based on their ancestral hometown, and aimed to ensure harmony in Keelung port city. For more than a century, various clans and social groups took turns to organize Keelung Ghost Festival, and it has since become the leading folk festival in Taiwan. In 2001, the event was included in the list of top 12 major folk festivals in Taiwan by the Tourism Bureau. In 2007, Keelung City registered the festival as a “folk tradition and relevant cultural asset” in accordance with the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act. In the following year, the Council for Cultural Affairs designated Keelung Ghost Festival as a “National Important Folk Cultural Asset”. The festival thus set a precedent for the completion of administrative procedures to designate and register a folk cultural asset in Taiwan. Over the years, government funding has mostly been used for the preservation of records. In recent years, the task of passing on Taiwan’s cultural heritage to the next generation has gradually become more difficult. Thus the designation of Keelung Ghost Festival and its relevant intangible cultural assets as of national importance, along with the creation of a heritage group focusing on this important folk tradition, are praiseworthy contributions to ensuring the continuance of Taiwan’s cultural assets and heritage.
