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篇名 「羞惡之心」發微
卷期 49:4=575
並列篇名 An Elucidation of “Mind of Shame and Aversion”
作者 劉佳寶
頁次 185-198
關鍵字 孟子羞惡之心四端倫常MenciusMind of Shame and AversionRightnessFour SproutsRelationshipA&HCI
出刊日期 202204




Mencius emphasized the importance of shame and pointed out that shame is the sprout of rightness. Through an analysis of guilty and shame, this article argues that shame is closely related to one’s identity. Compared with the perspectives of both guilty and modern right, we can better understand the mind of feeling of shame and aversion and Mencius’s rightness through the perspective of virtue and self-cultivation. Zhu Xi respectively interprets aversion as “hatred against others’ bad” and shame as “shame of one’s own bad”. These interpretations cannot be understood literally, it needs further clarification and explanation. Especially, Mencius’s understanding of shame is not only about the agent himself. Start from this insight, we can find that shame and glory are shared between husband and wife, father and son, monarch and subject and so on, where one may find that the actualization of one’s virtues and one’s relationships can be in harmony and in tension.
