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篇名 評價類比推理的評價判準
卷期 49:5=576
並列篇名 Evaluating Criteria for Evaluating Analogical Reasoning
作者 嚴偉哲
頁次 027-049
關鍵字 類比類比推理類比論證批判性思考科學哲學AnalogyAnalogical ReasoningAnalogical ArgumentsCritical ThinkingPhilosophy of ScienceA&HCI
出刊日期 202205




This paper draws from two bodies of literature to develop and motivate an approach for evaluating analogical reasoning. The two bodies of literature are the presentations of analogical reasoning in critical thinking textbooks and in scholarly work in the philosophy of science. The critical thinking literature evaluates analogical reasoning in terms of simple criteria that focus on assessing similarities, while the philosophy of science literature downplays the importance of similarities and proposes more complicated criteria. The criteria from the philosophy of science literature contain some genuine insights, but they are difficult to apply. In contrast, the criteria from the critical thinking textbooks are simpler, but the philosophy of science literature demonstrates that these criteria are problematic. This paper aims to develop an approach that captures the complicated insights from the philosophy of science in a form that is about as simple as the presentations in critical thinking textbooks.
