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篇名 林希逸「無極」、「太極」辨新解
卷期 49:5=576
並列篇名 A New Interpretation of Lin Xiyi’s “Wuji” and “Taiji”
作者 劉騰飛謝路軍
頁次 143-157
關鍵字 太極無極林希逸宇宙論形上實體Tai ChiWujiLin XiyiCosmologyMetaphysical RealityA&HCI
出刊日期 202205




In the study of Chuang-Tzu Philosophy by Lin Xiyi, it usually takes Wuji as the metaphysical form and Taiji as the secondary meaning, which serves as the inertia model to interpret its thinking of Wuji and Taiji. However, such relation model containing Taoism’s cosmogony fits the thinking of Chuang-Tzu better, but it goes astray from the original indication of Lin Xiyi’s academic annotation. When we review the conception in Li Xiyi’s annotation, we could find that the dialectical relationship between Wuji and Taiji. They are taken as the reference for metaphysical Tao, focusing on different aspects and being interdependent with each other. Such is closer to the thinking of Wuji Taiji thinking by Zhu Xi. From this perspective, it fits better the Neo-Confucianism features of Lin Xiyi to interpret Chuang-Tzu through Confucianism.
