
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 同儕互評可行嗎?同儕互評在儲訓校長班之信效度研究
卷期 45:1
並列篇名 Is Peer Assessment Workable? The Investigation of Peer Assessment in the Pre-Service Principal Training
作者 謝名娟
頁次 029-052
關鍵字 同儕評量信度與效度儲訓校長peer assessmentreliability and validitypre-service principalsTSSCI
出刊日期 202203
DOI 10.53106/102498852022034501002




In the past, the rating of assessment is mainly depending on the senior principals and experts in the pre-service principal training. However, it is hard to find the raters for the multiple and frequent courses for the limited budget and human resources. This study tries to use the peer assessment in the context of formative assessment. The online assessment tool was used for providing feedbacks and rater ratings. The results show that the peer assessment is quite workable in the pre-service principal learning. Use the rating rubric can help to get the consensus of raters and learners. The results also show that the pre-service principals prefer to propose the positive feedback and not incline to provide the negative or suggestions for their peers. Therefore, it is difficult to see the effectiveness of peers’ feedback. It is also not appropriate to use peer assessment too many times, otherwise the learners would get tired of this kind of assessment. Overall, peer assessment is reliable and valid, however, use the peer rating as formal grades still need careful consideration for its possible biases.
