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篇名 共產黨人的道路抉擇:蔡孝乾的「叛變」與轉變
卷期 41
並列篇名 The Communist’s Chosen Path: Cai Xiaoqian’s “Betrayal” or Surrender
作者 林威杰
頁次 091-139
關鍵字 中國共產黨臺灣省工作委員會蔡孝乾叛變轉變The Taiwan Work Office of the ChiThe Taiwan Work Office of the Chinese Communist PartyCai XiaoqianTraitorSurrendernese Communist PartyCai XiaoqianTraitorSurrenderTHCI
出刊日期 202112




The establishment of the Taiwan Provincial Working Committee had a bearing on the success of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in “liberating” Taiwan and accomplishing the “reunification” of China. Cai Xiaoqian, who had risen to a high position during the Jiangxi period of the CCP, was the only Taiwanese person who participated in the “Long March”. He was entrusted with an important post and served as the top leader of the Provincial Working Committee. However, after he was arrested by the Kuomintang in 1950, he paid no attention to the integrity education of the Yan’an era, surrendered immediately, and instead became a key figure assisting the Kuomintang in completely destroying the Taiwan underground party. Cai participated in the rectification movement in Yan’an and knew the Party’s loyalty education. Why had he “changed” so quickly after being arrested? These issues are the focus of this study.
