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篇名 《周易》中的罪與罰
卷期 49:6=577
並列篇名 Crime and Punishment in the Zhouyi (《周易》)
作者 安承宇
頁次 167-189
關鍵字 《周易》刑罰罪責感吉凶ZhouyiCrimePunishmentGuiltyMoral GuiltGood and EvilA&HCI
出刊日期 202206


本文將《周易》中的罪與罰分為個人層面的犯罪,關係層面、道德層面的罪與罰來作探討。在20世紀從文化進化論的觀點來看,東方對西方的文化區分為羞恥心文化和負罪感的文化。這裡所指的羞恥心是對他人顯示自身犯下的罪,而有的原初道德判斷感受;然而所謂罪之意識,即是源起於內面的道德良心,被認為是高度發達的道德判斷。但透過Julia Qing等學者們所提出之觀點中表示;在東洋古典中亦可發現罪責感的概念。本文透過東西方間普遍存在罪與罰的內容,著眼於考察當時社會所重視的價值和人類存在的意義,通過《周易》中記錄中國古人們的罪和罰,來探討他們對於人類存在之理解。《周易》是一本反映古代中國人們的實際生活狀況,並對此作了哲學分析的書,這部古代文獻有助於考察當時實際存在的刑罰種類,和刑罰具有何種意義,以及其因何種意圖而實施。並且本文著眼於《周易》中基本的吉凶問題其關係和交織特點,在此關係上來分析道德的罪與罰之發生。同時,考察《周易》思維中認識到任何人皆可能犯錯誤,重視對失誤的補救,關於對積累小失誤,而造成無法挽回的道德過錯懲罰作警戒。而罪與罰的問題最終關係是相互交錯而成的,通過《周易》思維來試圖對他人和共同體對吉凶問題的共同責任之觀點作分析。


This paper examines the notions of crime and punishment in the Zhouyi (《周易》) from two different levels: punishment pertaining to personal offenses and punishment pertaining to moral crimes against relationships. In the 20th century, cultural evolutionism scholars distinguished the cultures of the East and the West as a culture of shame and a culture of guilt, respectively. In this context, “shame” refers to a “primitive” moral sentiment elicited by external judgment, whereas “guilt” refers to a “highly developed” moral sentiment arising from an internalized moral conscience. However, Julia Qing has argued that the concept of guilt is also found in the ancient documents of the East. This study hypothesizes that the descriptions of crime and punishment found in both the East and the West can shed light on the values of ancient societies and their meaning. Its aim is to advance our understanding of human beings by investigating the concepts of crime and punishment as portrayed in the Zhouyi. The Zhouyi describes actual people’s lives in ancient China and analyzes their philosophies; thus, it is very useful for examining the types and purpose of punishments in this ancient period. Furthermore, this paper examines moral crimes against relationships and their subsequent punishment, since good and bad luck is fundamentally rooted in relationships in the Zhouyi. It also explores the reasoning behind the Zhouyi, which, because of human beings’ fallibility, warned against punishing irrevocable moral crimes that result from the accumulation of trivial sins and emphasized the punishment of crimes committed mistakenly. This paper thus examines the perspectives of shared responsibility for the good and evil of others and community.
