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篇名 COVID-19疫情下越南高等教育國際合作策略之個案研究
卷期 91
並列篇名 A Case Study on the International Cooperation Strategies of Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Vietnam
作者 阮河城鄭勝耀
頁次 111-127
關鍵字 國際合作活動國際化線上文化交流活動越南高等教育虛擬研討會形式international cooperation activitiesinternationalizationonline cultural exchange activitiesVietnamese higher educationvirtual workshop format
出刊日期 202111
DOI 10.53106/160957582021110091004


此文說明在2020至2021年全球COVID-19疫情大爆發期間,幾乎所有的國家封閉邊境時,越南高等教育推動國際合作活動時的應對方式。作者以FPT University(FPTU)為例,說明目前越南高等教育在疫情下如何推動國際合作活動。FPTU成立於2006年,為越南第一所由企業所設立的私立大學。2021年時該校擁有五個校區,約十萬名學生就讀。在該校中,虛擬研討會形式被認定是新式交換課程中一種絕對性的過渡時期方案,目的在於讓學生們在不需要移動的前提下,能保有體驗多元文化的學習環境。此外,線上文化交流活動可以節約成本來增加更多的學生在國際化中受益。因此,在COVID-19後疫情時期,如何推動學生們在不同的條件下都可以平等地接觸國際文化活動應該非常重要。


This artice shows us the response of Vietnamese higher education in regards to international cooperation activities during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020-2021, when nearly all international borders were closed. The authors took FPT University (FPTU) as an example to reveal how Vietnamese higher education is striving to promote international cooperation activities now. FPTU is the first private university established by a Vietnamses enterprise in 2006, currently has five university campuses across the country, and there are about 100,000 students studying throughout its education system in 2021. In FPTU, the virtual workshop format is considered an absolute transition for the new exchange program, allowing students to experience a multicultural learning environment right in their place, without required mobility. Moreover, the online cultural exchange activities increase the number of students benefiting from internationalization with cost savings. Thus, it could be important in promoting equal access to international activities culture for the students regardless of their different conditions in the post COVID-19 pandemic period.
