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篇名 早產兒照護之跨領域教育訓練的經驗和需求評估
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 Experiences and Needs Assessment of Interprofessional Education in Preterm Infants Care
作者 盧愷莉郭倩琳詹偉添鄭夙芬
頁次 250-262
關鍵字 早產兒照護跨領域合作照護跨領域教育訓練需求評估醫療專業人員Preterm infants careInterprofessional collaborative practiceInterprofessional educationNeeds assessmentHealthcare professionalsTSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.202112_46(4).0003


背景與目的:研究證實跨領域合作照護(interprofessional collaborative practice)可降低早產併發症和促進發展。透過跨領域教育訓練(interprofessional education, IPE)可提升團隊成員合作知能,進而提升醫療照護品質和病人預後。然而,目前醫事人員IPE參與度低,IPE的過程也較流於形式化,因此本研究旨在探討早產兒照護相關醫療專業人員對IPE之經驗及需求,作後續規劃早產兒照護之IPE之建議。方法:本研究採質性研究設計,以半結構式訪談指引訪談20位參與早產兒照護之7大職類醫療專業人員。訪談內容以質性研究內容分析法進行資料分析。結果:涵蓋三大主題,分別是「課程內容較為侷限且流於形式化」、「課程規劃應多面向,並促進團隊間相互瞭解」、「訓練形式應多元化,以提升學習成效」。結論:目前在早產兒照護之IPE的執行上,仍面臨上課時間安排不易、課程較無法滿足各職類專業知能需求,及訓練形式缺乏團隊成員間互動和溝通等困難和挑戰。建議將課程分為一般和進階課程,並採多元化的訓練方式,以提升學習成效。


Background and Purpose: Research indicates that interprofessional collaborative practice could reduce complications in preterm infants and improve their development. Interprofessional education (IPE) improves team members’ knowledge and skills in collaboration, thereby promotes quality of care and patient prognosis. However, healthcare professionals’ participation in IPE courses is low and has become a formality. Therefore, this study explored the IPE experiences and needs of the healthcare professionals who cared for preterm infants. The findings may be used to inform planning for the preterm care IPE courses. Methods: In this qualitative study, interviews of 20 healthcare professionals of 7 disciplines who provided care from preterm infants were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: The results encompassed 3 main themes: “limited and rigid course contents”, “needs for multi-faceted course designs to foster mutual understanding among team members”, and “necessity for diverse training formats to promote learning effectiveness”. Conclusion: The current implementation of IPE courses in preterm infants is challenged by difficulties in class scheduling, inability to meet the cognitive needs of multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals, and lack of interactions and communications among team members in the training format. It is recommended to divide IPE training courses into beginner and advanced levels and utilize diverse training formats to promote learning effectiveness.

