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篇名 勘誤:脊髓小腦失調症第一型之個案報告
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 Corrigendum: A Case Report of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1
作者 曾琬筑劉苑玟
頁次 345-346
關鍵字 脊髓小腦失調症共濟失調個案處理模式「國際功能失能和健康分類」行走Spinocerebellar ataxiasAtaxiaClient Management Model“International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”AmbulationTSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.202112_46(4).0005


更正後的中文摘要:背景與目的:脊髓小腦失調症(spinocerebellar ataxias)是進行性退化性疾病。本篇個案為一名64歲男性,於2007年經核磁共振檢查發現小腦萎縮,並經基因檢測確診為脊髓小腦失調症第一型。個案於2018年7月開始物理治療介入,主訴為走路平衡不佳。方法:本個案報告以個案處理模式呈現評估及介入流程,並應用「國際功能、失能和健康分類」模式分析個案於行走功能的限制。經理學檢查發現個案動態坐姿和站姿平衡能力不足、以及協調功能不佳,且步態呈現共濟失調,導致個案行走功能受限。依據分析結果及參考實證,為個案設計平衡能力訓練、協調能力訓練、以及行走功能訓練,以改善個案的行走功能。結果:經過3週的治療後,個案坐姿和站姿的動態平衡進步到正常狀態,伯格式平衡量表(Berg balance scale)的評估結果進步3分,行走速度進步0.2 m/s,並能夠在監督下進行室內行走,以及可以兩腳一階上樓梯,個案在平衡能力及行走功能上皆有進步。結論:此個案報告顯示經由3週的平衡、協調以及行走功能訓練,有利於改善脊髓小腦失調症第一型患者之平衡能力與行走功能。


更正後的英文摘要:Background and Purpose: Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are progressive neurodegenerative diseases. The case in this report was a 64-year-old man who showed atrophy of the cerebellum by magnetic resonance imaging in 2007 and was diagnosed as spinal cerebellar disorder type 1 by genetic testing. He started physical therapy in July 2018. The main complaint was poor balance during walking. Methods: We utilized Client Management Model to present evaluation and intervention, and apply International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to analyze the limitation of ambulation ability for this case. Physical evaluation of this case revealed poor dynamic sitting and standing balance and impaired motor coordination function. Moreover, he presented with ataxic gait, which might have led to functional limitations of ambulation. Based on the results of evaluation and reviews of evidence-based literature, several interventions including balance training, motor coordination training, and ambulation functional training were designed for treatments of ambulation ability. Results: The case was reevaluated after 3 weeks of intervention. The result showed improvements of sitting and standing dynamic balance from good to normal status. The assessment result of Berg Balance Scale showed an increase of 3 points. In the perspective of ambulation performance, walking speed improved 0.2 m/s. Furthermore, the case was able to walk indoor safely under supervision and walk up the stairs with two feet on each step. Conclusion: Three weeks of intervention program consisting of balance, motor coordination and ambulation functional training is beneficial to improve balance and ambulation abilities in the patient with spinocerebellar disorder type 1.

