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篇名 P18. 車輛誘發動暈之動作相關因子:系統性回顧(P309-310)
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 P18. Motion-Related Factors of Motion Sickness Induced by Vehicles: A Systematic Review (P309-310)
作者 方佳瑩連恒裕連心瑜蔡佳玲黃鈞彥張雅如
頁次 309-310
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.202112.P18



Background and Purpose: Motion sickness can be provoked by dynamic transport environments, including cars, ships, airplanes, and space. Since people began to use vehicles, motion sickness has existed. In recent years, more smart display systems have been developed for vehicles, motion sickness becomes the potential burden for users. Understanding the movement-related factors for motion sickness is essential for future development of the guideline of the display systems in vehicles. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the parameters of movement related to motion sickness induced by vehicles. Methods: The two electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) were searched for relevant studies including titles, keywords, and abstracts before May 2021. Only human clinical trials in English and studies related to motion sickness induced by vehicles were included. The exclusion criteria were simulating no gravity in space, Coriolis, and visual flow trials. Two authors independently reviewed and extracted the searched studies. Sixteen studies were systematically reviewed after excluding irrelevant researches. Results: The identified factors were direction and frequency of oscillation. The seated horizontal motion was more nauseogenic than vertical motion, and the level of motion sickness was similar between the forward-and-afterward and lateral oscillation. The frequency of horizontal oscillation from 0.0315 Hz to 0.2 Hz was more likely to induce nausea, while above 0.2 Hz reduced the symptoms. Conclusions: The seated horizontal oscillation easily provoked motion sickness. More sickness occurred at the oscillation frequency of 0.2 Hz. Clinical Relevance: The current systematic review provides important information to examine the susceptibility of motion sickness and suggestions for people with motion sickness. Acknowledgment: This study was supported by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (MOEA 110-EC-17-A-24-1716), Taiwan.


