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篇名 P39. 合併運動及認知促進介入對於社區疑似失智症長者之下肢肌力、平衡、認知功能及生活品質之成效初探(P323-324)
卷期 46:4
並列篇名 P39. An Exploration of the Effects of Combined Physical Exercise and Cognitive Stimulation Intervention on Muscle Strength of Lower Limbs, Balance, Cognitive Function and Quality of Life Among Community-Dwelling Elderly With Suspect Dementia (P323-324)
作者 簡珮君
頁次 323-324
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.202112.P39



Background and Purpose: Dementia mainly affects cognitive function, and often proceeds by deterioration in behavior and emotional control, motor function, and independence in activities of daily living. Although little evidence has demonstrated greater cognitive improvement in favor of combined physical and cognitive intervention, the effects of such combined intervention on physical and cognitive outcome as well as the quality of life remain to be determined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of combined physical exercise and cognitive stimulation intervention on muscle strength of lower limbs, balance, cognitive function, and quality of life in community-dwelling elderly with cognitive impairment. Methods: This study was conducted with a single-group pretest-posttest design. We recruited 28 subjects aged 50 and over, either with suspect dementia confirmed by an assessment tool, Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) ≥ 0.5, or with a definite diagnosis of dementia, from community-based care centers in Changhua County. All subjects participated in a 2-hour combined physical exercise and cognition stimulation program once a week for 12 weeks, and were assessed using the 30-s Chair Stand test (CST), Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination, and Quality of Life-Alzheimer's Disease (QoLAD) before and after the program. All interventions and assessments were administered by experienced physical therapists. Results: A total of 28 participants were included (7 males, 21 females; mean age = 79.61 ± 7.65; CDR 0.5 = 42.9%, CDR 1 = 7.1%, CDR 2 = 3.6%, CDR 3 = 3.6%). Significant improvement was found in SLUMS (pre-test = 11.57, post-test = 13.76, p < 0.05) after 12-week intervention, while there was difference in neither STS, TUG, nor QoL-AD. The posttest of QoL-AD had significant moderate correlation between the CST (r = 0.51) and TUG (r = -0.66), but no correlation was found in SLUMS. Conclusion: Weekly 2-hour combination of physical and cognition intervention had a positive effect on cognitive function among community-dwelling elderly with dementia. Clinical Relevance: Our results provide information about the profile and change in the domains of physical, cognitive, and social-emotional status among elderly with cognitive impairment, which could be helpful for designing more appropriate operating modules and applications in clinical practice and long-term care policies in Taiwan.


