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篇名 課堂外個人及小組練習對提升逐步口譯表現成效之研究
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Effects of Individual and Pair Practice on Improving Consecutive Interpreting Performance1
作者 鄒月如林美貞
頁次 177-206
關鍵字 逐步口譯個人練習小組練習consecutive interpretingindividual practicepair practice
出刊日期 202205




Interpreters-in-training are not oblivious to the fact that practice is paramount to developing professional skills in interpreting. The dearth of research regarding interpreting trainees’ perceptions of the effectiveness of practice sessions they engage in out of class prompted the current study to further investigate into this topic. The participants of the present study were recruited from three intact consecutive interpreting classes at two universities in Taiwan who engaged in both out-of-class individual and pair consecutive interpreting practice sessions. The study adopted a mixed methods approach and analyzed both quantitative and qualitative questionnaire responses following the completion of a total of 73 students’ practice sessions and their pre- and post-test scores. Students’ pre- and post-tests were scored by two independent evaluators, and the findings indicated that significant score improvements were made. Questionnaire results revealed that the majority of students preferred to undertake pair practice primarily because of the useful feedback offered by the partner or their partner’s performance that allowed them to recognize their own mistakes which would have gone unnoticed during individual practice. The study also suggests directions that may be taken by future studies to tease out whether one type of practice is more effective than the other.
