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篇名 發而為聲:艾青散文化詩歌之精神、修辭與朗誦實踐問題
卷期 57
並列篇名 A Discuss of Ai Qing’s Prosified Poems, for Its Zeitgeist, Rhetoric, and Recitation
作者 周先陌
頁次 057-074
關鍵字 艾青詩歌散文化時代精神修辭詩歌朗誦Ai Qingprosified poemsZeitgeistRhetoricrecitation
出刊日期 202206




It has had a lot of research for Ai Qing’s prosified poems. Based on the scholars discusses, the article tries to analyze the zeitgeist appearing in his poems. Then, it talks about how Ai Qing expresses himself and what kind of feeling would the recipients have from reading or hearing his poems. Finally, the article inferences what kind of problems might appear when it comes to the recitations of his poems for fighting against Japanese invasion. The research will help people realize the meanings of Ai Qing’s prosified poems. Furthermore, people can realize the importance of Ai Qing in the Chinese literature.
