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篇名 試探許進源編導式的敘事攝影
卷期 110=18:1
並列篇名 On Ching-Yuan Hsu’s Staged Narrative Photography
作者 姜麗華
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 敘事攝影編導攝影諧擬Narrative photographyStaged photographyParodyTHCI
出刊日期 202206




This paper examines the photographer Ching-Yuan Hsu’s staged photography from 2013 to 2020 by starting with a review on the origin and development of staged photography in the west and following with an analysis on the narratives of Hsu’s staged photography. The analysis is centered on how a variety of materials such as glass, deadwood and gauzes and how amateur actors are presented in the fabled or mythological images. A spectacular and dramatic technique is used to express the photographer’s observation and reflection on the contemporary society. Hsu stages the political or social events, absurd in his eyes, with parodies of topical issues and through the format of allegories. Hsu’s works contain the narrative dynamics of motion pictures, as well as the infinity of imagination of static photography. His photography is full of incongruous, weird and ridiculous images, on the edge between the norms and the deviations. With the language of imagery and symbols, he describes his observation and experience of the real world and completes plays of the earth one after another and free from the reality. This is the expression of his perceptions, with which he seeks to reach the mass by grounding on his personal experience.
