
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 中井履軒《大學雜議》對朱子的評議視角及其經學意義的衡定
卷期 59
並列篇名 A Study of Nakai Riken’s Appraisal of Zhu Xi’s Daxue zhangju
作者 林保全
頁次 071-105
關鍵字 中井積德《大學雜議》朱熹《大學章句》東亞儒學Nakai RikenDaigaku zaggiZhu XiDaxue zhangjuEast Asian ConfucianismTHCI
出刊日期 202109




This paper investigates Nakai Riken’s appraisal of Zhu Xi’s Daxue zhangju (Interpretation of the Great Learning) by reference to the former’s Daigaku zaggi (Commentary on the Great Learning). Nakai Riken was a Japanese scholar from the Kaitokudō Academy in the Edo period. Although Nakai’s Daigaku zaggi was based on Zhu’s Daxue zhangju, their interpretations of the Great Learning diverged sharply. According to the analysis of this paper, the root cause of their differences was twofold. First, the two scholars differed widely in their assessments of the Great Learning’s form and function. Second, they understood several key concepts found in the Great Learning differently. This paper concludes by organizing and analyzing these results to reposition Nakai’s Daigaku zaggi in intellectual history.
