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篇名 往復式內燃機引擎構造及工作原理虛擬實境教材開發
卷期 445
並列篇名 Development and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Teaching Materials for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Structure and Operation
作者 呂卓勳范森堯
頁次 017-033
關鍵字 情境學習虛擬實境ARCS學習動機模型數位教材開發往復式內燃機引擎situated learningvirtual realityARCS Modeldigital teaching material developmentreciprocating internal combustion engine
出刊日期 202112




Based on ideas of Situated Learning, this study developed a reciprocating internal combustion engine teaching material by providing Virtual Reality (VR) simulated environments. The teaching material provides an internal combustion engine structure and operation introductions and assembling simulations. To explore the impact of VR teaching material on industrial vocational senior high school students, twenty-eight 10th-grade students were recruited as research participants through a convenience sampling method. After the implementation of the VR intervention, a structured questionnaire survey base on ARCS Model and interviews were then conducted. The results revealed that students had a positive attitude toward VR teaching material adoption in classrooms. Students found that VR teaching material was interesting and it improved their concentration on knowledge of the internal combustion engine. The findings suggested that the VR teaching material could positively influence students’ interest and learning motivation of engine structure. Our study provides practical development and implementation for engineering educators in educational VR applications.
