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篇名 親子共學團對母職角色價值之影響研究
卷期 45
並列篇名 A Study into the Influence of Playgroup on the Motherhood
作者 曾意雯賴麗敏
頁次 035-062
關鍵字 親子共學團母職角色親職壓力playgroupmotherhoodparenting stress
出刊日期 202206
DOI 10.7038/JETP.202206_(45).0002




Recently, traditional viewpoints have faced stern challenges under continuous technology innovation, which in turn leads to rise of parenting involving playgroups. The author has participated in playgroups for many years and well acknowledges the increased influence of playgroups on the role of motherhood, and prompts this study on the value of participating in a playgroup to role of motherhood. Thus, the two main aims of this study are first, to understand the inner transformation process of a woman's role of motherhood and pressure of parenting; and second, to identify the value of playgroup to a woman's role of motherhood. To achieve these aims, the author adopted case study approach and conducted in-depth interviews with five mothers who are currently participating in, have withdrawn or withdrawn from a playgroup but are still involved in education-related work. Accordingly, results of this study found that (1) a mother feels parenting pressure when there is a conflict between work, reality and inner role of motherhood; (2) playgroup confers sense of belonging in a group of mothers and provides support to the role of motherhood; (3) participation in a playgroup rasies self-value and promotes recognition on the role of motherhood
