
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 六朝文論中的「奇險」與其概念延異
卷期 39
並列篇名 Discussion of Difference about “Qi(Strange)-Xian(Danger)” in Six Dynasties’ Literary Theories
作者 祁立峰
頁次 051-074
關鍵字 文論文心雕龍詩品StrangeDangerliterary theoryWenXinDiaoLongShi PinTHCI
出刊日期 202206




The study of Chinese classical literary theory often focuses on the ambiguity interpretation of “concepts”, and the diction has complex meanings. This proposal chooses two terms “Strange” and “Danger” as the entry point. I will discuss the generation and development of the concept from the Six Dynasties to the Tang and Song Dynasties, and then to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the literary theory of the Six Dynasties, the two concepts of “Strange” and “Danger” are closely integrated with other diction. Relatively, the “Danger” is more negative. Liu Xie had divided styles into eight types in “WenXinDiaoLong”, which is more derogatory to “Strange”; while “Shi Pin” “relatively admired “Strange”, compared with plain and praised much. This proposal attempts to start from these two concepts and their derivative meanings, and then combine them with the article and literary theory of the past. In my opinion, “Strange-Danger” presented in a negative style and become a unique writing technique. The concepts have complicated dialectic relationship with stiff, innovative mutation, and simulation and anti-simulation issues. Therefore, this seems to be only a study of combing and re-evaluating the diction of literary theory, but it can actually be close to the generation and construction of the complex system behind classical literary theory.
