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篇名 對妨礙台灣人權教育推動因素的反思:社會心理學觀點
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 A Reflection on the Impediments to Human Rights education in Taiwan: From a Social Psychological Perspective
作者 王叢桂
頁次 017-036
關鍵字 人權教育社會支配取向權力距離社會認知理論human rights educationpower distancesocial dominance orientationsocial cognitive theory
出刊日期 202206




Human rights scholars habitually attribute obstacles to human rights education or practice to the authoritarian personality and values formed in an authoritarian society. Based on research results from social psychology, this paper discusses the myth of attribution to authoritarianism alone. In fact, in-depth analysis shows that an obstacle to human rights education is the Chinese social structure of rule from above and its accompanying values. A discussion of how these traditional values and norms may be changed is then undertaken based on a social cognitive approach.
