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篇名 從個人資料保護觀點評論高中生學習歷程檔案政策
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 Academic Portfolio on Senior High School Students from the Perspective of Personal Data Protection
作者 楊雯婷莊庭瑞
頁次 037-060
關鍵字 台灣個人資料保護教育資料庫資料再利用學習歷程檔案一般資料保護規則(GDPR)TaiwanAcademic portfolioeducational databasedata reusepersonal data protectionGeneral Data Protection Regulation
出刊日期 202206




In August 2019, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education began implementing a requirement for senior high school students to each have their own academic portfolio. This has brought considerable changes in how learning records and academic portfolios of high school students in Taiwan are processed, stored, and used. The policy has had a huge impact on how students apply for admission to universities and colleges. As a result, a national academic portfolios database has been set up according to the academic portfolio policy. The database is used for storing academic portfolios of high school students and is expected to be the largest and most comprehensive educational database in Taiwan. The Ministry claims that the purpose of the policy is to reduce the burden on students when applying to universities and colleges. However, suspicion and distrust of the policy from the public, including many voices from the education sector, is manifest. This paper thus introduces the background of the policy, and discusses the related issues. It analyzes the policy from the perspective of personal data protection, focusing on the power imbalance between the data subject and the data controller and leading to a detailed examination of data protection issues regarding the use and reuse of academic portfolios. We suggest that a policy for the use and release of the academic portfolio database should be based on a comprehensive process which should have gone through public discussions and expert reviews.
