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篇名 《金史》列傳探源
卷期 40:2
並列篇名 Exploring the Origins of the Biographies within the History of Jin
作者 陳曉偉
頁次 041-077
關鍵字 謚號三品金史元好問中州集posthumous titlethree gradesHistory of Jin, JinshiYuan HaowenCollected Writings from Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou jiMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 202206




This paper examines the establishment of “historical biographies” 史傳 of national history from the meanings of the “three grades” 三品, and only by situating them within the context of the compilation of traditional histories, can we clarify the relationship between the biographies in the History of Jin 金史 and epitaphs pertaining to the documents themselves. The biographies compiled by historians at the end of the Yuan dynasty were based on veritable records, but were not simply taken from the originals, rather being edited one by one with the use of relevant historical materials. The results of this process are as follows: firstly, the biographies were selected from the veritable records on the basis of the original recording system; secondly, a new entry was created for each figure after integrating the various records of the individual contained within the veritable records; finally, the shorter deeds of figures were omitted, and following the traditional framework of the official histories, classifications of biographies were established that reflected the social customs and practices of the Jin dynasty. Considering the above, when exploring the widely held opinion that the biographies found within the History of Jin were largely copied or selected from Yuan Haowen’s 元好問 (1190-1257) Collected Writings from Zhongzhou 中州集 and other works, the evidence presented in this paper demonstrates that the two works both likely originate from the veritable records.
